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The NAACP works to ensure that every disadvantaged student and student of color graduates ready for college or a career by ensuring access to great teaching, fair discipline, equitable resources and challenging curriculum. We are dedicated to eliminating the severe racial inequities that continue to plague our education system. Our ultimate goal is that every student of color receives a quality public education that prepares him or her to be a contributing member of a democracy.

To achieve these goals, the Education Committee of the national board, in concert with education chairs and leaders from across the Association, have settled upon a four-prong strategy to improve educational achievement for disadvantaged students:


  • Increasing Resource Equity: Target funds to neediest kids

  • Ensuring College & Career Readiness : A path to success after graduation for all students

  • Improving Teaching: Growing our own great teachers now in underserved communities

  • Improving Discipline: Eliminate zero tolerance; keep kids in school* All applied to turnaround schools


Position on Charter Schools


In 2016 NAACP National Convention delegates passed, and the National Board affirmed, a resolution calling for a moratorium on the expansion of charter schools. The board subsequently convened a Task Force for Quality Education, which embarked on a national series of hearings to gather data and diverse perspectives on the state of charter schools and their traditional public school counterparts. Read more.


Multilingual Curriculum Integrated into Public Schools


In 2016 NAACP National Convention delegates passed, and the National NAACP Board affirmed, a resolution to promote the integration of multilingual curriculum into public schools.  The body of that resolution is provided here.


Standard Grading Policies


In 2016 NAACP National Convention delegates passed, and the National NAACP Board affirmed, a resolution to urge NAACP units to encourage their respective States to establish an Office of Consumer Affairs in Testing and Student Evaluation.  In addition, the resoluiton reaffirms the 2014 Resolution, “Accountabilitiy and Assessment:  Measuring Student Learning. The body of that resolution is provided here.

Contact Us

Sumter Branch NAACP

Physical Address

110 S. Sumter Street

Sumter, SC 29150


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 2423

Sumter, SC 29151



(803) 775-9215



© Sumter Branch NAACP.

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