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Sumter Branch NAACP 

The Sumter County Branch of the NAACP has a long tradition of carrying out the mission and program of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.


Since it’s organizing in 1938, and chartering in 1939, several drum majors for freedom and justice have emerged from this branch and made it one of the most historical in the chronicles of civil rights in South Carolina and the nation.  Many of its founding members helped found and develop the South Carolina Conference of Branches where Dr. S. J. McDonald, Sr. was elected chairman of the Speakers Bureau and Osceola E. McKaine gallantly advocated the cause of human rights and made generous contributions to the growth of the State Conference.


The charter members of the Sumter Branch are: James T. McCain, President; J. Williams, Vice-President; Joseph Richardson, Secretary; Edmond McDonald, Treasurer; Osceola E. McKaine, Lucille Evans, A. E. Sanders, Dr. B. T. Williams, S. J. McDonald, Dr. E. C. Jones, M. L. Hopkins, Reverend L. M. Tobias, M. B. Pogue Others.


Continuing to speak the cause for fullness of American freedom and justice for all was the following succession of Branch Presidents:


Reverend J. Herbert Nelson

Reverend Frederick C. James (1960-1971)

Ruben L. Gray, Esq. (1971-1975)

Mr. Theodore Black, Jr. (1976-1979)

Ms. Eula Pressley (1983-1986)

Ms Rubye J. Johnson (1987-1988)

Mr. Carl Holmes (1989-1996)

Mr. Billy Shaw (1997-2000)

Mr. Marvin Scarborough (2001-2006)

Mr. Roland Robinson (2006-2008)

Mr. Ferdinand Burns (2009-2014)

Ms. Elizabeth R. Kilgore (2015-Present)


The Sumter Branch of the NAACP is well on the way to becoming one of the most effective and respected branches in the South Carolina Conference of Branches.  Please let history be kind to you by doing your part to make the American Dream a reality for all mankind.  With your help, many of the valleys can be exalted and many of the rough places made plain. Come Home!  Come Home!  Come Home to the NAACP!

Contact Us

Sumter Branch NAACP

Physical Address

110 S. Sumter Street

Sumter, SC 29150


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 2423

Sumter, SC 29151



(803) 775-9215



© Sumter Branch NAACP.

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