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Economic Sustainability


The NAACP Economic Department recognizes the importance of the economy and economic issues in advancing an equal opportunity society and aims to address the challenging economic realities facing our country including poverty, lack of jobs and disproportionate high unemployment, lack of affordable housing, foreclosures, etc. The NAACP Economic Department’s work enhances the capacity of African Americans and other underserved groups through financial economic education; individual and community asset building initiatives; diversity and inclusion in business hiring, career advancement and procurement; and monitoring financial banking practices.


Economic Department Goals


  • Empower local communities with the necessary education, resources and partnerships to develop sustainable economic models that advance diversity and equity.

  • Ensure that government and industry are knowledgeable, and committed to bridging racial inequality particularly as it relates to employment, wealth, lending and business ownership.

  • Grow a movement of concerned citizens and organization who work together to produce an inclusive and strong middle class economy for the 21st century.


Economic Opportunity Game Changer


A chance to live the American Dream for all. Every person will have an equal opportunity to achieve economic success, sustainability, and security.

Contact Us

Sumter Branch NAACP

Physical Address

110 S. Sumter Street

Sumter, SC 29150


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 2423

Sumter, SC 29151



(803) 775-9215



© Sumter Branch NAACP.

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